Our Mission
Our Mission at The Dark Masculine is to transform Masculinity and our collective relationship with it.
Particularly the aspects of Masculinity that are associated with strength, certainty, conviction, self assured-ness and ultimately power.
We have an epidemic of men that are disconnected form their innate powerful masculinity, that are subordinating their own power, authority, direction, mission and even the most basic decision making to others.
It is time for men to reclaim their birth right.
To reclaim their power.
To reclaim their leadership.
And to make a stand... in the way... that only empowered, connected masculine men can.
It is time.
Our team

David A Charles is a revolutionary thought leader of Masculinity.
He works with men to embrace their inner power, strength and certainty and to become unshakable in their own embodiment and expression of masculinity. He draws on 15 years of study across the fields of human consciousness, leadership, training and development, business and entrepreneurship, innovation, intuition, tantra and embodiment.
Over his years in the industry, he has become well known for his deep insight and his ability to create potent, powerful, paradigm changing transformational spaces and experiences. Combining training and certification in both Western and Eastern teachings. Including NLP, Life and Business Coaching, Hypnosis, Kinesiology, Meditation, Breath-work, Embodiment and Tantra.
He specialises in working with men, to embrace and embody their power and strength and build an unshakable connection to certainty, sexuality, purpose and direction. So they can become the men they are here to be and create the material success, impact and change they know they are capable of, on their own terms.