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What is the Dark Masculine?

The Dark Masculine is an archetypal masculine energy.


* To clarify an archetype is defined as... a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors, and is present today in the collective unconscious.


It is a polarity of the masculine.
Just as feminine and masculine are polarities, there are
also the polarities of light and dark.


We live in a wash of collective energies and archetypes. As we start to be more specific with what we are journeying with… we open up entirely new worlds within ourselves.


Now… it can be easy to get caught up in labels and definitions. Be aware of rigidity in your thinking around these archetypes. Once we have a conceptual, logical understanding it can be easy to believe we understand something fully... which blocks us from the full potential of these archetypes.


Also note... I use the language of 'he' and 'she' to describe masculine and feminine, this is for simplicity and ease in writing. Both men and women have access to all 4 aspects of the masculine and feminine.



The reason I am separating light and dark and even masculine and feminine is so that individuals can work with precision in their exploration of their psyche. Because there are many different manifestations and expressions of the  masculine and feminine.


This can be visually represented with two diagrams.















The diagram to the left (or the upper diagram on mobile devices) is called The Quadrant.


The diagram to the right (or the lower diagram) is a visual representation of how The Quadrants interacts with our body and the chakra system.

The left side of our body represents the feminine and the right side represents the masculine.

The Light Masculine and Feminine are associated with the upper chakras, from the heart up.

The Dark Masculine and Feminine are associated with and the lower chakras, from the heart down.

With the meeting point being the heart, which interestingly has 4 chambers.


To give some understanding of each of the Quadrants, here is a quick overview….


The Light Feminine - is the warm, safe, soft, infinitely loving, nurturing and accepting woman. She is associated with beauty, lightness and sweetness. She is deeply compassionate and she lives from her heart. She also lives a life devoted and led by Spirit, ‘God’ or the Universe.


The Light Masculine - is on a mission from ‘God’, Spirit or the Universe. He is the definition of consciousness and awareness. He can be seen in holding presence and space for others. His deepest sense of connection comes from his grounding in presence, his consciousness, awareness and his connection with ‘Spirit’.


The Dark Feminine - lives from a place of deep connection with her body, her womb, sensuality and sexuality. She is the embodiment of her intuition, instincts and primal body. Through her womb she lives as a movement of the void, of the cosmic Mystery. She lives from a place of complete trust, trust in herself… and the unknown.




The Dark Masculine - is the embodiment of self trust and conviction. He is unshakably connected to his body, life force and sexuality. He is the personification of Power. The power of self… power in sexuality, certainty, decisiveness, creation and transformation.



Although these differentiation of Dark and Light Masculine and Feminine may be ‘new’...


At their core they are not.


They have been described, albeit in a different way, for many thousands of years, within indigenous teachings and mystery schools.


One example of this is the teachings of the Great Spirit and the Great Mystery.


The Great Mystery is the void of creation, from which everything came - all knowing, all possibilities - everything.

The Great Spirit was created from the Great Mystery to direct the creative flow of everything that is, all levels of consciousness, understanding and life.


This is an apt description of the relationship of the Dark and Light Masculine and Feminine, and our evolution as a species and our consciousness. But what has happened is that we have shifted from a connection with both... to be solely focused on the Great Spirit... and on the qualities of the Light Masculine and Feminine.

We are missing balance. Our Indigenous cultures understood that we must honour both.


Without balance dis-ease and disconnection follow. Mentally, emotionally, communally, spiritually, sexually and even physically.


It is time for us to rehonour the Great Mystery.


It is time for us to honour the Dark Masculine and Feminine.

It is time to remember what we have forgotten.


And embrace the completeness of who we are.


It is time.



Do you have any questions around The Dark Masculine and our work?

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