F*ck. Does that man have Dark Masculine shadow playing out! 😂
** This is not a political post… this is not to engage in political debate, or the rightness or wrongness of what is happening. It is objectively using Daniel’s behaviour as an example.
Daniel is the Australian State leader of Victoria, which became the most locked down city in the world last month.
The man is embodying one of the Dark Masculine shadow archetypes, the Tyrant.
The Tyrant is the overactive shadow of the Dark Masculine archetype of the Dictator.
Now, you might be thinking…
The Dictator… that sounds horrible as well…
Actually the Dictator has only become a negative term in recent years.
The Dictator in history was actually most often a benevolent leader.
A leader that was given power in times of emergency and for specific projects. Where it was valuable to have a quickened decision making process.
A dictator was selected because he held the best interests of the people.
He was trusted to make decisions aligned with the good of the community.
He is the archetype of authority.
If we have challenges with authority in our lives, either being an authority, or relating to authority... then this is the archetype to work with.
He is linked to our ability to make powerful decisions for ourselves, particularly in the face of potential criticism.
As well as our ability to be a powerful leader.
This is very different from the Tyrant shadow.
Tyrannos, the original Greek term means - an absolute sovereign who came to power without constitutional right.
Now although Daniel Andrews was elected… he is manifesting qualities of this overactive shadow, such as...
Being unreceptive and dismissive of the opinions of others.
Using force to control those who disagree with him.
Shifting blame and not taking responsibility for his own failings, mistakes or misdeeds.
Leading by creating fear and separation within his community.
But, in the same breath- He is also manifesting very powerful, potential positive qualities of this archetype...
He is incredibly certain and unshakable in his direction.
He believes fully in what he is doing and he is 100% committed.
The problem is - most people become focused on the shadow qualities that are manifesting. Unconsciously demonizing the GIFTS of the benevolent, healthy expression of the Dictator.
Which only further splinters this part of the collective psyche into further shadow. Creating even deeper separation and conflict.
It is shame, because this archetype is extremely empowering when the shadow is alchemized.
The real truth is that there are gifts in EVERYTHING.
Every shadow has a gift.
Every gift has a potential shadow.
But we must do the work to heal the shadow, which so often comes from an internal pain, and reclaim the gifts.
Once the shadow has been integrated the highest frequency of an archetype can come forward and reintegrate into our psyche in a positive, healthy and mature way.
This is liberation.
Regardless of what is happening externally...
It starts with us.
Ps. Daniel… if you are seeing this, email me, and we will get you started.
Picture: NCA NewsWire / Andrew Henshaw